Double Burden of Malnutrition 4

  • Rachel Nugent
  • Kitaplar
  • Toplum Beslenmesi
  • Yayınevi
  • ISBN-10(13)
    mcbü 22.12.19 oyku4
  • Yayın Tarihi
    22 Mart 2022
  • Sayfa Sayısı

Kitap Hakkında

Economic effects of the double burden of malnutrition

Observations from many countries indicate that multiple forms of malnutrition might coexist in a country, a household, and an individual. In this Series, the double burden of malnutrition (DBM) encompasses undernutrition in the form of stunting, and overweight and obesity. Health effects of the DBM include those associated with both undernutrition, such as impaired childhood development and greater susceptibility to infectious diseases, and overweight, especially in terms of increased risk of added visceral fat and increased risk of non-communicable diseases. These health effects have not been translated into economic costs for individuals and economies in the form of lost wages and productivity, as well as higher medical expenses. We summarise the existing approaches to modelling the economic effects of malnutrition and point out the weaknesses of these approaches for measuring economic losses from the DBM.

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